Will be the sales support loose his quality for international customers ?
Please look at my original message and the Rio Sales answer. By the way I spend a lot of time on the Rio and SonicBlue website to find a answer to my question by myself. But I couldn't found any hints for international sales.
-----Original Message-----
[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, Mar 1 2001 02:41 PM
[email protected]
Subject: Delivery to Germany
is it possible for me to order a Rio Product, if I living in Germany ?
And how long time will it take in the moment, to get a Rio Receiver ?
Wolfgang D.
-----Original Answer-----
Dear Valued Customer,
Please keep checking our website for more on this.
* Please include all previous messages (in text format) for continuation of
support and also ensure your return e-mail address is correct.
Undeliverable messages are deleted.
SONICblue Customer Service/Technical Support
Support Telephone Number: 541-967-2450
Customer Service Telephone Number: 800-468-5846
Jose V.