So, I'm trying to honestly use Vista, instead of just sitting on the sidelines and poking it with a stick. Eventually my job will require it in some form, so I might as well get the problems out of the way now.

To continue from the triple boot thread I somewhat derailed, I'm looking for a possible way of remote controlling only the keyboard and mouse on the Vista box from another machine. Currently, I use Synergy, but it can't touch UAC dialogs, even when run as an admin, and secure desktop turned off. Is there an alternative program that is Vista compliant? Bonus points if it maps mouse movement properly in DirectX programs (synergy gets screwy even on XP when a game runs). Remote desktop is out, as I need to be able to run Direct3D apps.

Also, what happened to Microsoft Update? If I visit , I get told to run the built in Windows Update. And that only updates Windows. I'd like to keep other MS apps up to date as well, like Office and Visual Studio.

Lastly, anyone seen an RSS gadget that actually lets me specify my own RSS feed, including authentication? It's the one use I could see for the Sidebar, and the built in one is stuck feeding me MS sponsored propaganda. A search of the gadgets site turned up one that hasn't been updated in ages, and also doesn't do authentication.