Well, that last thread definitely still generated a lot of talk, but at least there was some action

I just uploaded the fruits of last weekends labor, there is a satellite signal strenght view now, only works when your gps is generating the GPGSA and GPGSV nmea sentences, or when connecting with trimble's TSIP protocol.

Also added a simple 'incar' application whose return code indicates whether we're on DC or not. Useful to conditionally run applications from the preinit scripts. i.e. to only start an application when we're in the car add '[ -x /programs0/incar ] && /programs0/incar || exit' to the beginning of the preinit script. Replace the || with && when you want the reverse.

Oh, and I noticed that I had lost the links to my hijack kernel patch, which should fix the player/aux switching when running a userland application.

I really should just add this link to my .sig.
40GB - serial #40104051 gpsapp