So I'm now in the market for a new video card too. GTA 3 did it to me as well. My 3dfx Voodoo 3 just ain't cutting it any more.

So I see that hybrid8 recommended ATI and NVIDIA... I've had several people mention that I should get the Geforce card...

I only want the card for use with games and stuff. No TV, no video capture.

I'd LIKE to find a card that has 2 ports for 2 monitors and supports XP natively. Last time I went through this, the 2 port thang wasn't fully worked out. XP treated both monitors as one big monitor. Has this been remedied?

I'm not so hot on buying "the latest" in high performance video cards. I'm looking for "most bang for the buck" that will let me play all the games that are out today, and most of the ones that are coming out in the next year or so.

If I have to spend 2 hundred bucks, why not just buy a PS2???

So can anyone tell me a specific card to look into?

- Thanx!
- Jon