Wow, thanks for the post. I'll look into that card. I'm suprised to hear that it can capture as well. I didn't know the GeForce cards could do that.

What do you mean about that stuff with "the PCI card"? Do you mean any PCI card?

The reason I wanted analog is because I'm already going to be capturing from devices like my old VCR, my Tivo, and my old camcorder. I can't justify buying a new camcorder when the one I have works fine for what I need. Plus, most of my uses for it are online video, so degredation obviously isn't an issue

So you say that the GeForce can capture S-Video? Should I assume it will also record the audio input of your choice along with it? I'm fine with S-Video as long as it works without many hiccups, especially in the software.