True. The consoles are especially disposable at the newly dropped prices. In fact, I'm starting to eye the Xbox, and I fear I'll give in when The Two Towers is released.

I guess I see game quality the same way a lot of folks here see music quality. I like to see smooth framerates, high res, full-scene AA. Can't get those on this round of consoles.

I enjoy my consoles, especially for sports games (ask Tony about my mean NHL gaming), but I like the higher quality and larger range of games on the PC. I especially like add-ons for good games (Morrowind, DAoC) and the depth that you can get with these games.

I certainly wasn't trying to say that consoles are no good. I had that PS2 on every day for six months when it was released. But even some of the release titles (NHL2001) suffered from hiccuping framerates. And when playing the GC on Tony's big-screen I'm distracted by the quarter-inch-tall aliasing.

I am really looking forward to seeing how well the batch of online adapters works for each of the systems. I would love to go head to head on my GameCube or better yet, 2 vs. 2 in a good game of NHL. And I'm definitely looking forward to true HD resolutions from the consoles. THAT'S when I'll get myself an HDTV. Or when they start broadcasting hockey in HD, whichever comes first.

As for ports, I think we're looking through the same window from opposite directions. Many console ports just don't make good PC games. As well as many PC ports not making good console games. I just bought GTA3 for the PC, I'd love to try it on the PS2 just to see the difference.

Good point about Halo. It's too bad MS used it to sell the Xbox, otherwise we'd have it on our PCs right now.