The PS2 is about as upgradable as my PC for it's lifespan. IE, toss it out and get a new one. I haven't had any PC component remain very upgradable at all for the past many years. A small change in the form factor, and bamn, you need a new motherboard to support a new CPU, and a new power supply, and soon every component beyond the cheepo floppy has been replaced.

Consoles have their place. They are cheeper in the long run by far, run on TVs allowing for living room play, and have a ton of games not suited for a computer. (Imagine playing a Mario game on a PC with no controller).

I'll always keep my PC around for gaming with things like Warcraft 3 and such. But if it's a console game ported to the PC, I'll grab it on the console first (unless it's Halo, that should have been PC in the first place).

And sure, a console can't run 1600x1200 gaming, but the games still look good when played on a 40 inch TV :-)