
In reply to:

This is very strange; are you using the latest clone tool on the website?

Having looked at the download page it appears not. I scanned the list of files available and didn't notice the 11D version of emplode. If you look at the description of it, it reads: -

A complete setup program for the Windows software included in the beta11d release. This is functionally identical to the version of empegClone provided here previously and the 11b version of emplode. You do not need to download this release if you have previously downloaded the empegClone executable for beta11d. Please note that you must synchronise your Mark 1 player with emplode version 11a or later in order to use empegClone.

and I'm so used to seeing: -

emplode PC software (Win32)
Download Now (2224943 bytes)

As I said in my posting it was emplode beta11B I was using. I read the text as meaning I didn't need version beta11D if I already had beta11B. Anyway, it's history and I'm still going to bed...

John, (MK1 114-20G, MK2 15-36G).

[color:yellow]_________________________________________John, (MK1 #114-20G, MK2 #15-36G).</font color=yellow>