I've got one, I'm on the AT&T network, some places the reception sucks, some places it's great. I bought it for the bluetooth, I wanted verizon, but those chuckleheads had NO bluetooth phones... unfortunate because their coverage is the best in my area. But I have to say I absolutely love my phone... it's the coolest, associating pictures with rings and what not, bluetooth so when I'm driving I just push the button on my headset wait for the beep, say the persons name and I'm talking to them, no wires, very cool. And I still haven't even figured out how to use all the web features. BTW mine was 45 bucks when I got it through AT&T, some kind of online 100 dollar rebate, the money never left my bank account, I like those kinds of rebates.
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's