If the board was powered up without the 12V aux connector plugged in, then it is very possible that too much current got sucked through some poor unsuspecting component (or hopefully, a fuse) on the motherboard as a result of electricity travelling the "hard way" to the CPU or whatever.
Really? I've *never* had a power supply with a 12V Aux connector until now, and never even knew of its existence on any motherboards. I definitely missed a memo somewhere along the line.

Mind explaining what you mean by electricity travelling the "hard way" to the CPU? I thought that all the power that motherboards needed came from the standard rectangular connectors that come from the power supply... The little square 4-pin jobbie is completely new to me.

Will the Duron run on the new board? saves risking the Athlon on the old board.
I don't think so. I think the board supports only 166 FSB. I will check, though.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff