Oh, another goofy thing that's happening with my system as presently constituted... I've got a CD-RW drive and a CD-ROM drive on my secondary IDE channel, but when they're both connected, the CD-RW drive doesn't work, regardless of what Master/Slave settings are used. I've tried:

CD-RW Master, CD-ROM Slave
CD-ROM Master, CD-RW Slave
Both drives Cable Select (with both combinations of Master/Slave via cable select)

The symptoms are weird. As the BIOS bootup messages scroll by with the listing of the IDE drives, the CD-RW drive shows up with a goofy garbled text string (with lots of high ASCII characters and such) as if some kind of corruption is going on. Without the CD-ROM drive, it shows up properly and works fine.

So, my question is, has anyone ever seen a situation where two drives on an IDE chain don't play nicelky together? It's always the CD-RW drive that gets messed up, the CD-ROM drive works fine in either configuration, but it seems to be screwing up the CD-RW.

I don't think this is related to my new motherboard, since I never tried these two drives together on my old one.. I'm operating under the assumption this is due to one of the drives being flaky, not something related to the motherboard. But I've never seen anything like this, so I figured I'd ask.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff