Borislav, you're not the only one to suggest this. Being able to enter the playlist structure at the current level rather than the top level has been requested before.

However, looking at the example you just posted makes me think... It seems to me that anyone requesting this feature is simply making their playlists too complicated. If you've reached the point where traversing the tree becomes a chore, then maybe you've simply made too many sub-trees?

My playlists don't go any farther than two levels deep (Artist/Album). I don't create "genre" playlists because I don't need to. If I wanted all of a given genre, I'd just do a search on genre, I don't need a playlist to do that for me.

In your example, you've got things broken up into genres, artists, then albums. Why does it need to be that complicated? Do you really find yourself hitting the "play" button on those intermediate trees, or do you always go fishing for a particular album?

Another possibility would be to create an "- Albums -" tree right in the root that has links to the album playlists. Then you could use that to fish for albums more easily if you wanted to.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris