Instead of having the top button be "Pause" during playback, make the top button act like it does when you are navigating playlists: go up one level in the hierarchy.

Use the push-button aspect of the rotary knob to go into "Pause" mode.

This would not only add uniformity to the UI, but would be a very logical mode of operation.

Sounds good, except Rob has said that the intended functionality of the knob is to cycle through options in the sound menu.

Now if the guys@empeg would only move the Track#/Duration information from the bottom line of the display to the top line of the display... I'd be able to read the first word of my song title.

I thought for a while about doing this as a kernel hack, i.e. detect when you are using the track info mode and shift the bottom so many display lines to the top of the screen. The problem is that this won't work very well with browsing the menus or changing the volume (since they overlay the normal screen).
