I agree with your redifinition of stealing... well said.
The problems with P2P software's shady dealings and the RIAA's lunacy is well documented... even in this thread. What seems to be lacking is the individuals ability to show the RIAA exactly what would be helpful in a non-theoretical way. For example what would happen if a p2p network charged a dollar a song and then used the funds to pay off legal fees of those prosecuted... I realize this is not a long term fix. However it shows that users are most willing to pay reasonable fees for music. We all know they are, and you would think that the Apple site would have already proven it, but I guess not. Another possibility would be for a peer to peer group to charge and send money directly to artists downloaded.

Before I get bombarded I realize that these ideas are a bit far fetched, however I would like to see a rebellious way to protest the RIAA without sacrificing my ethics...
-Michael West