When people lose that much weight they always claim an increase in energy, did you notice that?
Yes, but it's not a magical "suddenly I feel like I could run a marathon" kind of thing.

It's more along the lines of just "feeling better" all around. I sleep better, my moods are better, I don't get depressed as easily, I'm less stressed, I'm calmer, that sort of thing. All of those add up to being more able to focus energy when and where I want to focus it.

Have you ever had one of those days where you'd gotten a really good night's sleep, and you woke up feeling refreshed and just "ready to tackle the day"? It's not like you've got any more energy reserves than you'd had the day before, it's just that it feels as though all the variables are in the right place to make that energy work for you more easily. Well, over the last couple of years, I've been having more and more of those kinds of days. Now it's the norm rather than the exception like it used to be.

I'm not saying the weight loss was the only reason for it. I've made some deliberate attitude changes in my life over the past couple of years which help account for a lot of it. But the weight loss was certainly a factor.
Tony Fabris