Racketball is also an extremely aerobic sport. Very very good for the cardio system. It is, however, very hard on the knees. Especially when your partner keeps hitting them with his racket.

I must be one of the few guys that has a quite opposie problem, I simply cannot seem to gain weight. I am currently 5'10" and weigh 127 lbs dripping wet. When I graduated from high school I weighed in at a solid 115. In college, I figured out my caloric intake in biology class, and I was taking in 6-7000 calories a day. Keep in mind, that of course I didn't want to gain fat, I wanted muscle mass. I worked out 6 times a week (upper body then lower body, alternating days) swam, ran, biked, climbed, played racketball, tennis and soccer. Soccer is the only sport I played consistently. (19 years now)

It just kinda sucks that there are people that have no issue putting on weight, and would do anything to get rid of it, while there are those of us that feel they are too thin, and would give anything to "bulk up" but can't.

For those looking to use exercise as a weight loss program (the best one, IMO) be sure to get a buddy. It is far more difficult to blow off an afternoon at the gym when you know someone is waiting on you to spot them.