I guess that the greyhound is snarly about food because for most of her life she's been kept hungry and desparate for the stuff.

From what I've read what they were fed is appauling as well. What really sucks is that she was sick the first few days, the vet said no food for 24 hours which I'm sure hasn't helped her get positive about food. But all good points and will definately give those a shot. Thanks

He does have one issue he is extremely racist.....

That sucks, you have to keep a very keen eye on him I bet. The dane (hamlet) appears to be EXTREMELY protective of our family which is good and bad, definately need to get something better then just chain link up in the backyard as everytime he sees the neighbors he goes crazy...

You have beautiful dogs there. It almost makes me want to own a dog, if I didn't prefer cats

Thanks. We have two cats as well, the dogs are pretty good with them. The greyhound does have a tendency to chase if the cats run from her (then again thats what she was trained to do at the tracks). But no serious maulings yet, they just have to clean themselves much more due to all the dog spit
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's