By the way, I'm back to using IE for most of my stuff. I gave Firefox a good solid chance, and I'll leave it installed for some stuff, but I'm back to IE as my default browser. Reasons:

- Load time. To launch a fresh session of firefox takes a maddeningly long time, even on my 3.2ghz system. IE, by comparison, launches almost instantly.

- Spell check. I tried very hard to get the spell checking functioning (as described earlier in this thread) and it never worked. IESpell just works.

- Funny wrap in text entry. When I put in posts here on the BBS with a long URL tag, the box wraps funny and goes wide if the length of the URL exceeds the width of the text entry box.

- Other miscellaneous little niggles.

I'll admit that Firefox has a lot of advantages over IE, and I really like the tabbed browsing feature especially for reading the BBS. So I'll keep it around at least for that. And I'll admit that IE has a bunch of little niggles and crashes and things of its own, so now the two programs are very nearly a dead heat. It's only a few critical things that keep me from fully embracing firefox.
Tony Fabris