My one major issue with it at this point is the fact that is soooo slow. It is much, and I mean MUCH, slower than IE or MYIE2. I can watch it creating the page every time, something I never see in IE. It probably takes 2 or 3 times longer to render.
I have not experienced this. To me, both products seem to render pages quite quick.


Are you testing apples to apples? For example, loading from a hard disk instead of online so that random variances in network speed don't affect you?

Do you have one app or the other set to download more than two HTTP streams at the same time? That might affect download/render speed. Earlier in this thread somewhere, I think we discuss how to set that feature in Firefox, you need to make a registry change to set that feature in IE.

Finally, are you confusing Firefox's rendering style with slowness? When viewing the BBS for example, Firefox will render each of the table cells that contain the messages as-it-gets-them. IE waits until it's got the whole table loaded before it renders it. This can make it look like firefox is loading the page slower sometimes, although it seems to not make the actual start-to-finish rendering times any different from what I could see. If I recall correctly, this has been one of the hallmark differences between IE and all of the netscape products for many years.

I'll give MyIE2 a stab, thanks.
Tony Fabris