Once again Firefox and I clash with CSS rendering. I am working on a template for a webpage that is supposed to look as similar as possible to a mock-up created in Photoshop. The nearly final result renders nicely in IE, yet Firefox tends to bungle things up.

Upon first load, many of the headers don't load and leave blank spaces. While annoying, this can be corrected by a page refresh. But extremely noticable is the right-hand column which does not appear on the right at all. Less noticable is the margin amount at the top, the misplaced navigation, and the ever-so-slight width difference in the body and footer areas (note the light blue-ish bar at the bottom).

I guess I'll spend tomorrow trying to work out potential issues in order to get both browsers to display similar results, but if neither browser can even agree on a 0,0 point, I don't see how things are ever going to look the same. If anyone out there considers themselves to be a CSS guru and has a solution, please let me know.