Got to hand it to those Swiss bankers for marketing. In fact Switzerland for a long time has not been anything like the most secure place to stash your cash. Places like Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and funnily enough even Belgium had much stronger secrecy laws than the Swiss.

Nonetheless, as most other answers have noted, it's all now disappeared in a haze of post-9/11 surveillance. Globally dispersed cellular terrorism, the campaign against hawala banking, coupled with the extra-territorial implications of the US Patriot Act, and to some extent Sarbanes-Oxley, mean that pretty much every country will now roll over and give up account details on request.

Only countries which explicitly reject signing up to the G7-inspired Financial Action Task Force (and their good friends the US Office of Foreign Asset Control) are likely to refuse any such requests. The countries currently in this category are: Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Cook Islands, Burma, North Korea, Indonesia, Nauru, Philippines, Cuba, Guatemala, Western Balkans, Yugoslavia, Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Sudan.

So plenty of good safe choices there as potential destinations for your hard earned cash.

