You guys down in the US have it easy by comparison, so let's not even get started.
Well, we have it somewhat easy compared to canadians, but only because our medical isn't rolled into our taxes.
Exactly. Once you figure in the cost of medical insurance, and all the rest of the privatized costs that Canadian taxes pay for, we're no better off down here, than you are in Canada (unless you're lucky enough to work for a company that provides you with top-notch benefits).
Give it a few years, they're trying to "fix" that. We'll soon be right up there with you. With crappy health care to boot.
Good -- crappy health care is still better than no health care, which is about all that 1 in 5 people in the US is able to afford.

As a Canadian, living here in the US, and therefore a person who has used both systems, I can tell you that the one we have here in the US stinks. I say that while working for a company that provides medical benefits that are featured in PBS specials about good medical coverage, too.

But... that's a different topic. I pay all the taxes I'm supposed to.