Well, I don't have any kids in school - so why should I pay those (education) taxes at all?

I know I am taking your statement out of context, and that you were stating it as hyperbole to show why you felt just the opposite, but the statement does raise an interesting point.

Why should people pay to educate other people's children? Perhaps because 10 years down the road, they'll by flying on an airplane piloted by one of those kids, or having their appendix (appendices? His appendix? Help me out here, Bitt!) removed by a surgeon who is a product of that educational system they didn't want to support.

I can't imagine an investment that has a better long-term payback than investing in education.

Can you imagine the benefits we would derive if even one month's cost of Mr. Bush's middle-east adventure were applied to education in this country? But that's another topic entirely.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"