
Oops! Music FID ffffffff1 not found!

I might be mistaken, but I think this happens if you don't have "notify=1" in your [output] section of the config.ini. Of course, my install script should do this for you, but it doesn't, because I forgot. That will be fixed in the next release.

Is that the problem? If you do in fact have notify=1 in there, then I'll have to investigate further.

Yeah, that's it. Seems to be working now that I added notify=1. Thanks.

One of the reasons I looked into Emphatic is to see if you discovered a way to hook into the player menu system. Can you take a look at this thread
and give me your opinion? It appears to me that Emphatic just gets out of the way when the player menu is entered, and has no knowledge beyond that the menu is active.
(sorry for the thread hijack!)