Tell me about it. I nearly had a silly incident in the work car park the other week.

It was 7:30am so the car park was very empty. I drove several hundred yards past the last car and parked in a space with dozens of empty spaces to either side. I then sat in the car for 60 seconds or so, fiddling with my phone and PDA.

I then went to get out of the car and went to open the door without bothering to look first. As I did there was a screeching of brakes and squealing of tyres as a car slid to a stop a couple of inches from my half open door.

I know I should have looked before opening the door, but what idiot drives hundreds of yards down an empty car park only to park next to the driver's door of a solitary car which clearly has someone sitting in it ?

Of course, being British I closed the door, allowed him to park and then I got out and appologied for not looking. Doh !
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday