That is a link to an interview with George on why he did the changes he did. May shed some light on it for those pissed that he tinkered with their beloved. I guess it's somewhat settling to know he has a shred of artistic integrity left. Heh.

I understand every change he made except the Greedo thing. In all honesty, I think Jedi's SE is better, largely because they cut out so much of the Ewok party scene at the end.

However, the Greedo thing is egregious and does not fit with his "this is the movie I would have made if I was able" argument. First, he certainly had the technology to make Greedo's pistol work back in the 70s. Everyone else's pistol worked. Second, he obviously did not frame the scene for Greedo to shoot and miss. If he had, he wouldn't have put Greedo two feet away from Han, making the pistol misfire so badly as to have the beam come out of it at a 30 degree angle so it would miss. Hell, he could have done something as simple as having someone bump into Greedo's chair. Third, it still ruins Han's character in the first movie. He was an absolute scoundrel. We had no inclination that he'd come back at the end to save Luke. This makes him seem like a much better person from the get-go.

Now, that doesn't mean that I don't have complaints about the rest of the stuff that was added. It was obviously rushed for one thing. The new animations on Tatooine are stiff and awkward. They didn't correct obvious things, like the Emperor's slugs and the transparent snowspeeders. Also, there was a lot more abject silliness, like stepping on Jabba's tail.

I suspect that the reason that his whole attitude about the films changed between Empire and Jedi is that he had kids. All of a sudden it had to be all about entertaining children instead of making an entertaining movie that could be appreciated by children. It's like the difference between Warner Brothers Looney Tunes cartoons and the terrible kids-only cartoons they make these days.
Bitt Faulk