Nobody is a serial killer in the name of "being white". Christians do publically condemn preists that molest young children and often do so in other situations when someone is being stupid "in the name of Christianity".

I know that the acts of these sub-humans does in now way reflect the nature of the majority of Muslims. My point was simply that because the good so overwhelmingly outnumber the bad, it seems that the Muslim community would be in the best position to oust these terrorists and are doing these things.

I shouldn't have to point this out, but just so that nobody gets the wrong idea (or suggest that I'm bigoted against Muslims), I live in the largest Muslim community in the US. Many of the friends I happen to welcome into my home happen to be Muslim as are many of my neighbors, coworkers and community members. It is my first hand knowledge of how great the Muslim community is here in Dearborn that gives me faith that the people that are distorting the Muslim faith can be brought down by the good.
Brad B.