How would most Americans react to seeing a video of the execution of one of the 9/11 terrorists, or of Osama or Saddam?

I don't think the issue has much to do with the squick factor of seeing someone beheaded, but, rather, the moral outrage of someone being killed at all, especially in such a terrible manner.

So, in that case, if Osama was to be killed via lethal injection, I think that most Americans would not be bothered -- at least not any moreso than by, say, Tim McVeigh's execution. But if he were beheaded, I think many more people would be up in arms about it, although probably fewer than are up in arms over the Arabic beheadings.

But if you show someone's head being graphically cut off, I don't think it makes a lot of difference if that person is good or bad or black or white or brown. It's just disgusting in the same way that spiders and snakes and puke are disgusting. Hell, most of us would have an equivalent reaction if it were a dog's head cut off.
Bitt Faulk