The KKK analogy is much closer than the aforementioned serial killer analogy.

Agreed. Good point. We allow their organization to exist in the name of democracy and free speech, and in some ways, actively support some of the things they do.

So, when you average Muslim sees anti-American or anti-Israeli violence on TV, it doesn't disturb them in the same way that violence against their own people does.

You know, this made me think.

Okay, we see anti-american violence, like the person being executed by the extremists, and are deeply disturbed by it. Now, in this thread, we're wondering aloud whether Muslims are equally disturbed by it.

But think about it. How would most Americans react to seeing a video of the execution of one of the 9/11 terrorists, or of Osama or Saddam? Whether the execution was gruesome or not. I mean, honestly.

Personally, I don't react well to seeing anyone die. But think of the general population...

Patriotism, nationalism, and religion are powerful things to sway popular opinion and to control behavior and attitudes. Frighteningly powerful.
Tony Fabris