You genuinely see a man lose his life, in probably one of the most horrendous ways imaginable.

Yes. Far better, then, to blow them up with smart bombs and cruise missiles, or disembowel them with bayonets, or put 30 rounds into them from a 50 caliber machine gun mounted on a Humvee.

I started to say "We brought war onto these people..." and then realized that I certainly didn't, I objected from the start, so let me rephrase that and say that the United States under the leadership of Geroge Bush brought war onto these people, and not a nice clean sanitary video-game Doom/Quake/Half-Life war, but a real attack with real bullets, bombs, and flame throwers.

So now we're shocked when some of the people to whom we brought our vision of a better life decide to repay the favor?

Oh, I'm disgusted and horrified all right, just not for the same reasons as some of the rest of you.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"