Of course, if the US had adopted a sturdy three pin plug large enough for an astronaut to plug his razor in with certainty whilst weightless in space, none of this would be being discussed. The average UK plug top will house a family of four, transforming from 230 to 12v can be accommodated in one small corner of the available space: You just have 2 puny little pins.

The UK plug is vastly overengineered. It's nearly indestructible though and at a guess those solid brass pins can probably pass at least 40-50A. Good plug until you tread on an upturned one...

I don't mind wallwarts so long as they're the small SMPS style which don't overhang anything. I hate the old chunky linear ones you'd get on cheap equipment which were huge, heavy and inefficient. Usually if I get anything with one then I replace it with a small brick on a leash style one or a tiny wallwart.