smoke houses not too far from them in Harrogate where they still do it the traditional way

One of those is run by an ex-employee of mine, I think that I've tried them all over the years, but somehow, the Manx kipper is just to my taste, although, at this time, I've only tried the ones from Leeds market, hopefully the posted ones will taste much the same.
I meant to try Ramus, which is the big seafood place in Harrogate, but I fear that they would be as overpriced as their other stuff, and it would still be more than £1.20 for the round trip.
What's Wayne's opinion of the Rajput?
Years ago, the Shabab had the leading restaurant in Harrogate. The owner approached me one day, as I'm in advertising, and asked if I'd like to re-do all their publicity material. This was fine, until it came to paying, when he suddenly became "unavailable".
After a couple of months, he walked in to my office with a suitcase, saying that he had just got off the plane from Bangla Desh, opened it, and paid me in used fivers, their must have been £30,000 in the case.
"Sorry to have mucked you about, he said, I'll explain it one day, I've told the manager in Harrogate - no bills", and we ate for free for a good eighteen months, until he sold the restaurant.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag