After trashing all settings and starting with a Clean Thunderbird (easily copied back all my mbox files) it once again started on the Inbox.

But it still didn't have a messagge selected. I just want it to come back exactly where I left off. Same messae selected, same window positions, message scrolled to the same place, message list view showing exactly the same content.

Another thing that bugged the crap out of me was not being able to custom-arrange the order of the mail folders.

Annd it suffers from the same limitation as Firefox in that it saves everything to the desktop - and this can't be changed through a UI-based pref. Let me clarrify before people jump in with "that's not true" - It is and it isn't. YES, in both Firefox and Thunderbird you can select a folder for SAVING files/attachments/downloads. However, this folder is completely ignored when you instead OPEN said file.

Firefox would do it to PDF files before passing control over to Acrobat - just dump them on the desktop. The fix for this was to install an excellent PDF plugin instead of using Acrobat (POS). Thunderbird throws files attached images onto the desktop when you try viewing them. Plus even though it obviously has image viewing capability (works in-line) you can't get it to show you an attached image in its own window. Doh. There should (obviously) be a definition for a TEMP folder or it should use the system's temp folder when you OPEN a file. That way the temp items can get purged when you shut the app down.

Keeping my fingers crossed that they address these things by the time 1.1 is released at the end of the summer.

Apple's Mail program has too many limitations right now but might be interesting once I see the version built into Tiger.

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