I just want to know how something can exist without being created. So if the Big Bang created the Earth, then what created the Big Bang? That is all I want to know, and then IŽll be ok with it being taught as science.

Science doesn't need to answer every lingering question in a given discipline to teach that discipline. The Big Bang is taught as theory, because, although there is scientific evidence which supports it, there isn't enough to say conclusively that it happened. That doesn't mean it ought not be discussed, it just shouldn't be taught as fact (which it isn't.)

Intelligent Design, on the other hand, has *no* scientific evidence supporting it. ID arguments always take the form of "evolution can't explain X, so X must be the result of a higher power." That is a leap in logic and a leap of faith, two things that science doesn't allow.

To your specific "where did the Big Bang come from" question, science is happy to leave it at "we don't know, but we'll keep looking." That keeps debate open, experiments active, and ultimately leads to a better understanding of our world. Simply filling in all blanks in our understanding with "God made it" leads to complacency, because the question is already answered, with no scientific evidence to back it up. See also, alchemy.


Exploring the Big Bang and similar theories is science, but it's not proven fact, and teaching as such only comes off as brainwashing, telling children that what their mommy & daddy taught them isnŽt true.

Your assertion that the Big Bang is taught as fact isn't how I was taught, nor does it appear in any science textbook I've ever read. This is how social conservatives keep their cause alive, by making up pretend assaults on their beliefs. It's similar to how jihadist muslims create fear and hatred of the West. Without the reactionary forces of the religious right pushing the idea that secular liberals are trying to take their Jesus away from them, the ID debate would have never even gotten this far.
- Tony C
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