It completely short-circuits science. It does not provide any testable theory and exists only to compete with a more plausible approach that can be tested.

At its base, it still subverts science with magic.

No, you can still study how a clock works, eventhough it was made by the almighty Clockmaker.

I think the Big Bang is the Big Cop-out. "There was a huge explosion a long time ago, and now we exist". That only explains an observation. It doesn't explain why. God explains why.

I know that I was born out of my mother, and I know that I'm a living human being, and I know how my body works, how my life is sustained by the air I breathe in. And I know that all because of science. But I still don't why I perceive, or understand, or love. I know why animals eat, sleep, and reproduce, and I know why men seek power and women. All these things are observable by me and I can explain them because I've seen it before; I've observed it before, and I can even graph trends on a chart and develop theories. But still, I don't why I'm here.

Have you heard of sensory deprivation? It's a brutal form of torture, especially if executed to the fullest extent. All fives senses are taken from a person; they cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or feel. They can only think, and they go insane when left alone with their own thoughts. They cannot observe anything, and thus science becomes non-existant, yet they still have their thoughts. They're left alone to question why, how, and what they are. Our observations of the outside world, and thus science, act as only a narcotic to keep this internal insanity from consuming us. But it's there. It's there because deep down in your soul you want to know why. And I don't think that question will be aswered by finding a fossilized imprint of a monkey or a tint of red light in a damned telescope. You won't see God with your eyes, or with a telescope. Only within your own soul.