Your argument about the knowledge that man makes clocks is a good answer to this latter statement, though I don't really think definitive. I'd like to hear more disccusion.

Well, I suppose when you find a couple of human-designed clocks having sex, mingling their designs, and creating a baby clock that's similar, but not identical to the parent clocks, then I suppose you might actually have a reasonable parallel for the process of evolution.

Have you looked at the scientific backing for ID? It's certainly there- the question is whether it means what ID proponents say it means.

All of the scientific backing I've seen for ID has been able to stand on its own about as well as a two-legged milking stool. Further, I read the entire ruling by the judge on this case. According to that ruling, the scientific backing for ID is, well, to but it bluntly, non-existant -- in fact, the judge ruled that ID is not science. Here's a great quote:

Professor Behe [the ID folk's expert witness] remarkably and unmistakably claims that the plausibility of the argument for ID depends upon the extent to which one believes in the existence of God. As no evidence in the record indicates that any other scientific proposition's validity rests on belief in God, nor is the Court aware of any such scientific propositions, [...] ID is a religious and not a scientific proposition. (page 28 of the pdf)

The 'reference' book at the center of this case, Of Pandas and People, is, I think, a fairly frequently cited book regarding the 'science' of ID. According to the evidence in the case, the earlier edits of the text used Creationism. In later edits, all instances of Creationism were replaced with ID (see page 32 of the above pdf).

If there is actually scientific evidence for ID, then where is it? Why have there been no peer reviewed papers? Not a single scientific organization willing to lend it any credence? (Also see the pdf, but I don't have a page number handy.)

Really, read the ruling -- the ID proponents and expert witnesses come out looking like absolute idiots.