I only recommend Kubuntu and/or Ubuntu these days. Head and shoulders above most of the crud.

So... I installed Kubuntu (5.10 -- I think that's Breezy Badger) last night.


I hate it already.

I switch between dvorak and qwerty. I tried to configure the keyboard layout tool so that I can click the little flag to change layouts. It defaults to a single layout of US English (basic). Great! I'll just add another US English, and set it to (dvorak). Bzzzt. Wrong. You can have one US English layout, and you have to reconfigure it if you want to change between dvorak and basic. Hello? My keyboard didn't change, here... I just want a different key layout.

(Okay, I know this isn't a kubuntu issue, so much as a KDE issue, but still... not a good first start.)