I've been trying an experiment over the last year or so with myself regarding movies, and it's working so well I'm trying to get all of my friends to do it.

It's simple... avoid all advertising and reviews. Period. Don't watch trailers. Don't talk to friends about movies. Just go see them. I've found my movie watching experiences have become WAY more enjoyable for the simple reason that I don't go in with any expectations whatsoever. I don't know who directed it, I don't know who's in it, I don't know what it's about, so it's all a surprise. It doesn't stop movies from sucking, but it eliminates the "that wasn't what I expected" and "that wasn't as good as I thought it would be" dissappointments.

Given, you simply can't do this across the board, stuff leaks through, but I've found seeing movies to be a way better experience with a blank slate. Also given, that if you were to truly blindly do this, you'd see a lot of shite films, but the little bit that gets through is enough to filter out stuff like the Shaggy Dog or Saw III. If my friends are going to see a movie, I'll tag along and not ask anything about it.

You can do it on a simple level, just don't read reviews and don't watch trailers. They ruin plot lines and build an image in your head that warps the experience.

Just throwing that out there.
|| loren ||