I love/hate seeing trailers in the theatre before movies. Usually, I dig the ones that are shown before indie/art house movies in small theatres, because otherwise there's no chance in hell I'd have heard of the movie otherwise. But I can't avoid them in the big theatres, because if you get there at the time the movie actually starts, good luck getting a non neck breaker seat. Maybe I'll start bring blinders... lol.

But yeah... I've found that the less I know about a movie, the chance I'll like it is exponentially higher because I can appreciate it or at least what it was trying to do rather than what I thought it was going to be or thought it should have done to fit the preconception I had.

EDIT: Oh, and if you guys haven't seen The Departed... do so. It's a perfect example of a movie that if I'd have seen the trailers or knew anything about who was in it, I'd probably have not gone. Glad I did.
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