Oh yeah, I've been playing with the Google Maps app a lot. It's very good, and I'm surprised at how well it works. It's also very useful. I've only had the phone for a day, and I've already used the app twice to find businesses I had to walk to.

The GMail app is another story. Unfortunately it only works on phones with Java, which is not the Treo 700wx. I have spent hours trying to figure out how to get it to work (there are several guides out there), but nothing worked. I've given up on it and I'll just use the mobile site instead of the app. It's a shame, too, because I've seen the app and it's great. I don't understand how they can get the maps app to work so flawlessly yet they've limited their Gmail app to a small amount of phones. I hope they're working on a newer version.

I've bought the Voice Command, but I'm finding it's going to have limited functionality. For one thing, my last name isn't pronounced phonetically, so any time I want to call my parents, I'm going to have to purposefully mispronounce my own name, which is not intuitive, and I don't see any way to customize the app.

I have run across one problem where Windows Mobile loses out to Palm: for some reason it's not possible to set up Windows Mobile to be constantly connected to the data line. At least it doesn't look like it is...