Don't get me wrong, I'm not being hostile. It just seems that some of the questions being asked are rather obvious. I am an individual that happens to use a CNC router during my daily job.
I'm not a company like SonicBlue/Empeg so I won't have access to AR coatings or filters for the IR led.

I haven't run in to any problems with the IR being affected. Nothing else triggers it and the remote still works fine.

The display is absolutely crystal clear and is pretty readable in most sunlight THOUGH very very bright & direct sunlight does wash it out but to quote what Patrick (pca) said earlier "You should find the result quite viewable under all but very bright sunlight (which will wash out any display technology, really)"

And as far as the price, $20 is not a hell of a lot of money which $15 of which is what I got my boss to let me use the machine and have the material a piece for plus $5 for my time for doing it. I don't think it's unreasonable.


Steve DarkStorm Designs