Ok, so as far as the Mark I goes I can understand why he said that but like I said before mine operates without a hitch.

Keep your hair on! (something I'm having less and less luck with as the years
pass) I wasn't criticising, I was merely providing a bit of info I thought might be
useful. You may have problems with Mk1 units and filterless panels, but it's easy
enough to fix. Wander down to the nearest good camera shop and order a small
sheet of the appropriate IR-transparent filter material. It generally comes in 6 inch
square pieces. You just cut a bit about 1cm square, and stick it to the inside of the
panel over the IR reciever with superglue. Works a treat.

The stuff empeg used is made by Lee Camera Filters, and from the packet I have
here seems to be a type 87 filter. As I recall, it was about $20 for a sheet, but
you'd get dozens of suitable bits from it.

That said, you may find you don't need it. YMMV.


Opinions expressed in this email may contain up to 42% water by weight, and are mine. All mine.
Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...