I'm told I need GSM whatever that is. And apparently choosing a phone is just the tip of the iceberg. The real fun comes with choosing a service provider, and then after that choosing a plan, do I go pre-paid, some two-year contract, what? Do I buy an unlocked phone and then shop for a provider?

For what you're doing... in the San Francisco area... I think you do it backwards from that. Start with the service provider that gives you the coverage you want. Then from there, decide on a monthly billing plan that works around your expected usage (i.e. minimal). Then get the simplest phone they offer that goes with that plan (probably a free or nearly-free phone).

Do I just walk into the local AT&T office and throw myself on their mercy?

If they have coverage in the area of Mexico you're talking about? Yeah, that's probably the best approach. Ask them that Mexico question first and go from there.

SWMBO's cell phone worked OK in Mexico, but when she got the bill the charges were absolutely staggering, I think something in excess of $10 per minute when it was all added up.

Yeah, that's what happens when you have a USA-only phone-calling plan and you take the phone out of the country. I experienced a similar thing with Canada. So start there: Ask them what you can do about a monthly calling plan that'll work in Mexico without the bloodsucking money leeches, and then work backwards from there.

I'm going to be in a similar boat when I buy the new iPhone next month, I need to find out what Canada options they can give me.
Tony Fabris