I tried out this phone for a while, it was a bit too basic for my taste, but worked good, and looks pretty cool too.


I actually looked at this phone, was interested in it until I started reading the reviews on Amazon.com. It is a totally polarizing phne -- people either love it or hate it. The ones who love it get the ones that actually work. The ones that hate it (about 55% of the total reviews) get the ones that don't work -- either because they are 900/1800 in North America (you need 950/1900 here, I believe) or they are DOA out of the box. No North American tech support is available for those phones, either. However, it is the sort of phone I'm looking for, feature wise.


Edited by tanstaafl. (27/06/2008 18:12)
Edit Reason: accidentally saved it before typing!
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"