None of the new shows have really grabbed my attention yet. I'll basically wait for you guys to tell me that I really need to watch something or other. For now, I'm looking forward to the return of "Chuck" (my guilty pleasure), "Heroes" (which had better not suck like the wrap-up of last season), "Battlestar Galactica" (damn you and your cliffhangers!), and the continuing "Top Gear" (which I'm forced to watch via BitTorrent because BBC America is airing ancient episodes).

Also, much to my amazement, the iTunes store is now carrying "Entourage". Since I refuse to pony up the $20/month for HBO, this means I can get caught up on my other guilty pleasure.

I'm modestly annoyed that they're apparently killing "Swingtown", which was a very well-written and enjoyable show this summer (and not nearly as skanky as it could have been). I'll keep watching "Terminator", but I'm not deeply excited by its return or, even worse, all the other franchise-expansion going on over there. I know I'm supposed to like "Mad Men", but it hasn't really hooked me. They're working on a second season of "Breaking Bad" which should be lots of fun.

Of course, what I *really* want is a full season of "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog". Man, what more could you ask for?