I feel that Whedon is overrated, especially by geeks. I consider myself somewhat geeky as well, but for the life of me I just couldn't see what people found positive about Firefly. I thought it might be good after first seeing the commercials and previews, but when it debuted I was really disappointed.

Buffy and Angel I simply found to be crap. To be fair, I pretty much skipped Angel entirely given how much I disliked Buffy.

If I'm going for campy and surreal, I might as well also enjoy the cast and find the show funny and light. For that reason I actually quite like Reaper.

I'm still planning to finish out the two seasons of the original UK Life on Mars, but so far after 3 episodes, the US version just polishes up and improves on everything the original put in place. The reason it's being canned isn't because it's a bad show or compares poorly with the UK version. It's likely because it's too similar to the UK version for a US audience. Remember, I do like both versions.
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