Originally Posted By: tfabris
Originally Posted By: Dignan
"Blink" is amazing. I have it saved on my Tivo right now.

Agreed. One of the best pieces of writing for cinema, TV or otherwise, I'd ever seen. Just brilliant.

I do worry about the BBC America cut-down-for-US-commercials versions of any Doctor Who episode, though. I can't wait to see the episodes, so I'm always watching downloaded versions shortly after they're aired in the UK, thus I never watch the BBCA episodes, so I actually don't know how badly they've been butchered...

It is possible to edit a show well. Has anyone else here seen the network TV edits of Dexter? I've watched the show from the beginning, and I just had to tune in when they started airing the edited versions. My wife and I were shocked that it still held up! There wasn't much lost, and the edits for cursing were the best I've ever seen done (not distracting in the least). That really impressed me. I figured they'd have to completely re-dub Deborah's lines (and Doakes's too), but they handled it perfectly.