Dan, I just wanted to clarify that my overall complaints about Heroes are not at all isolated to the season 3 premiere (and I'll point out that it is a premiere, so naturally there's going to be more special effects and what-not). I think that overall the show is a complete mess in all categories, from acting to writing to pacing to storytelling to everything else. Yes, they created a whole bunch of new, "compelling" mysteries. That's just funny to me, seeing as how Heroes was lauded as the show that answered its questions (in response to Lost). Turns out that: a) they aren't doing that, b) the few times they do it doesn't really turn out to be something worthwhile, and c) new mysteries don't feel like they grow from the plot or characters organically.

So to sum it up, my overall impression of the show Heroes, since its beginning, is that it's a complete mess and such a downer that it's not really worthwhile.

The sad part? I'll probably keep watching the train wreck, because I'm interested in only a couple of the passengers. I always liked Greg Grunberg, and find his character somewhat compelling, and Hiro is definitely the best character on the show, but they've turned him into a joke again (and I can't stand the girl playing the speedster).