Let's hope your shed isn't too damp.

Fans of Monty Python will be pleased to know that I don't only have two sheds, I have five - Garden Shed, Booze Shed, log shed, bits and pieces and leads that no longer do anything plus tapes shed and tool shed.
UK question here, did anybody see the BBC4 repeat of "a to b", the one about sales reps. whose car was the most important incentive?
It pointed out to me that only 10 years ago, you expected to get a cassette player in the dashboard (You might get a CD autochanger in the boot on a luxury model), and yet, as we celebrated this summer, that was when the Empeg was born.
Empegers can be smug, but even the cheapest model cars seems to have an MP3 or better an ipod connection these days - technology has come far fast..

Politics and Ideology: Not my bag