Ok, so I enjoyed my Boom so much that I am now looking to buy something for my living room.

While the idea is to eventually get a PC that "does all", I don't want to invest so much money in it as of yet, and currently I am still not sure on how well a PC will handle BD, TrueHD audio, etc.

So, a Squeezebox Classic or a Duet are the best options available for me, now. But, I don't know which one to get... Can't decide. What do you guys think?

I already have a Boom in my bedroom, but I don't know how that would fit in the equation...

Does anyone know if the Logitech Harmony remotes can control SQueeze devices?

Edit: Ok, of course you can train it to replicate all the IR a squeeze remote does, but, will it work as a full replacemente for a Squeezebox Controller, which I understand shows album covers, etc.?

Edited by taym (19/05/2009 19:55)
= Taym =
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